Every day when we see that the sun has come up, we officially become another day older. While we may not relish the thought, Scripture places a premium on growing older, that is if we are growing older in a Godly manner.
Consider these words from the Psalmist:
12 The godly grow like a palm tree;
Psalm 92:12-15
they grow high like a cedar in Lebanon.
13 Planted in the Lord’s house,
they grow in the courts of our God.
14 They bear fruit even when they are old;
they are filled with vitality and have many leaves.
15 So they proclaim that the Lord, my Protector,
is just and never unfair.
From these verses we observe that spiritual growth should be a part of our aging process, as should spiritual fruitfulness and faithful witness.
So are we still growing “… in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…” as Peter exhorted us (2 Peter 3:18)? Are we continuing to find ways to bear fruit by serving our Lord, His church and those around us? Do our words proclaim recognition of God’s faithfulness and love rather than irritation about our circumstances?
Finally, consider these perspectives from Proverbs:
Gray hair is like a crown of glory;
Proverbs 16:31
if it is attained in the path of righteousness.
The glory of young men is their strength,
Proverbs 20:29
and the splendor of old men is gray hair.
Physical and emotional health as we age does not guarantee spiritual well-being. It is important that we guard our hearts and minds against spiritual dangers, while trusting God’s indwelling spirit to empower us to live each day in a godly manner to please our Savior.
My prayer, and I trust yours as well, is that I will live every day in a manner pleasing to our Savior, and encouraging to those with whom I come in contact.