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iFrame code
TypeClip SizeWide imageWide simpleSquare OptionsPlay from 00:00 iFrame code<iframe src=”https://omny.fm/shows/encouragement-for-you/prayers-for-peace/embed?style=Cover” width=”100%” height=”180″ allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write” frameborder=”0″ title=”Prayers for Peace”></iframe> sourcehttps://www.lifeaudio.com/encouragement-for-you/
TypeClip SizeWide imageWide simpleSquare OptionsPlay from 00:00 iFrame code<iframe src=”https://omny.fm/shows/encouragement-for-you/the-power-of-perspective/embed?style=Cover” width=”100%” height=”180″ allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write” frameborder=”0″ title=”The Power of Perspective”></iframe> sourcehttps://www.lifeaudio.com/encouragement-for-you/
TypeClip SizeWide imageWide simpleSquare OptionsPlay from 00:00 iFrame code<iframe src=”https://omny.fm/shows/encouragement-for-you/how-to-steward-lifes-challenges-well/embed?style=Cover” width=”100%” height=”180″ allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write” frameborder=”0″ title=”How to Steward Life’s Challenges Well”></iframe> sourcehttps://www.lifeaudio.com/encouragement-for-you/
Info Statistic indicate that our society is aging like never before. According to one source every seven seconds another person becomes eligible for medicare. In this first segment of Encouragement for You, the late Dr….
This is for all of those lovers out there who want more, who aren’t feeling loved or lovable, or who have been hurt and feel like disappointments. There is really good news out there for…
Cancer is our topic for this episode of Encouragement for You. Don Hawkins’ first guest is nationally respected physician, author, and conference speaker Dr. Walt Larimore. During the second segment Mike Shaw, former pastor of…