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TypeClip SizeWide imageWide simpleSquare OptionsPlay from 00:00 iFrame code<iframe src=”https://omny.fm/shows/encouragement-for-you/the-value-of-relationships/embed?style=Cover” width=”100%” height=”180″ allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write” frameborder=”0″ title=”The Value of Relationships”></iframe> sourcehttps://www.lifeaudio.com/encouragement-for-you/
TypeClip SizeWide imageWide simpleSquare OptionsPlay from 00:00 iFrame code<iframe src=”https://omny.fm/shows/encouragement-for-you/simplify-your-life/embed?style=Cover” width=”100%” height=”180″ allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write” frameborder=”0″ title=”Simplify Your Life: Must-Hear Tips for Limiting Screen Time & Embracing Everyday Moments of Joy”></iframe> sourcehttps://www.lifeaudio.com/encouragement-for-you/
Discouragement is extremely common today and Christians are certainly not exempt. In our first segment the late Dr. Frank Minirth, from his years of practice as a Christian psychiatrist, offers three reasons to never give…
Often when people are first married life is absolutely thrilling, but after pressures mount and children arrive it can seem a couple has entered a marital rut. Dr. Greg Smalley is the vice president of…
How many times have you heard someone complain, ’That’s just not fair!’? There are many things that happen in life that are not fair, but we still have to deal with them. Steve Saint dips…
Cancer is our topic for this episode of Encouragement for You. Don Hawkins’ first guest is nationally respected physician, author, and conference speaker Dr. Walt Larimore. During the second segment Mike Shaw, former pastor of…